cardano Cardano Scan
539 Epoch
861.85k Delegators
3003 Pools
$0.71 ₳ Price


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Discover Stake Pools
Minted Epoch Block Slot TXs Pool
2025-02-11 02:25:00 539 11468409 147674409 17 pool1lpw2w
2025-02-11 02:24:15 539 11468408 147674364 12 pool10quq4
2025-02-11 02:23:33 539 11468407 147674322 0 pool1d3gck
2025-02-11 02:23:30 539 11468406 147674319 11 pool1k0ucs
2025-02-11 02:22:52 539 11468405 147674281 1 pool12ahcp
2025-02-11 02:22:50 539 11468404 147674279 7 pool1nqhey
2025-02-11 02:22:34 539 11468403 147674263 11 pool13crd2
2025-02-11 02:21:58 539 11468402 147674227 10 pool1tdsrw
2025-02-11 02:21:40 539 11468401 147674209 6 pool16e2x0
2025-02-11 02:21:33 539 11468400 147674202 7 pool1xytvs
Time Output Fee TXid
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳452.74 ₳0.17 640a73a798
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳375.15 ₳1.1 5520d2e67d
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳248.96 ₳0.18 143f7c2e2d
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳9.17 ₳0.27 2d9f445e40
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳23.36 ₳0.27 23ee01e6d0
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳484.88 ₳0.17 aae2173b87
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳8.03 ₳0.21 fc24321270
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳1.53k ₳0.24 9e152ab560
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳2.03k ₳0.18 195834737f
2025-02-11 02:25:00 ₳8.39 ₳0.7 7d9b8eb944