523 Epoch
880.08k Delegators
3069 Pools
$0.78 ₳ Price
[POA] Proof of Africa - Enabling Web3 in Africa
[POA] Proof of Africa - Enabling Web3 in Africa
Position #708
View: pool1dqlgn7smehsnj5ztz8almy2036lfhrdjv79nmg9tmje0zzt620h
Hash: 683e89fa1bcde139504b11fbfd914f8ebe9b8db2678b3da0abdcb2f1
Hash: 683e89fa1bcde139504b11fbfd914f8ebe9b8db2678b3da0abdcb2f1
Monthly Return (APY): 1.818%
Lifetime Return (APY): 4.01%
Block Progress: 0/2.04
Saturation: 2.8%
- Live Stake
₳2.09M - Pledge
₳10k - Costs
0% + ₳340 - Lifetime Blocks
1.3k - Delegators
250 - Detail